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Saturday, 15 March 2014

summer outfit

I've been preoccupied with my thoughts lately again ( the phrase gone with the fairies just about summarizes what I'm going through), which has resulted in me misplacing some valuable things of mine, ( down to me entirely). So when I went to see my local GP I wasn't surprised to hear that she thought I may be suffering an accumulated stress disorder not remotely serious but triggered, by all the coursework and exams I have had juggle at the very start of the year. Anywhos I thought that may be an explainable enough justification for why I haven't been blogging as much as I promised. The weather has lifted my spirits which is why I choose yesterday of all days to wear a flowery short cut out dress. I decided this was an easy escape route outfit to throw on, because I figured a dress complemented summer with its detailed floral print design and cut out segments that fall below the waists how could I a confessed shopaholic miss it.

The pictures ( taking from different camera's don't exactly show the prints that I'm failing at explaining but hopefully you get my meaning)


Photo credits to my brother
Dress New Look AX Paris
 Necklace Primark


  1. LOVE that dress! Looks so pretty on you


thanks for the encouraging messages x will reply as soon as possible